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Old 06-17-2015, 10:54 AM
DJTempo DJTempo is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 27
Default Re: Still Using Sound Designer 2

OK... 2015 here... but thought I'd drop a note...

I just set up an MDD 1.25GHz running OS 9.2.2, with 1.5GB RAM, 30GB SSD connected to a PCI SATA2 card, internal IDE has a 150GB drive.

SD II 2.8.3, AM 3 card, DigiSystem Init 5.1... and it's all running.

Just thought that someone, anyone might like to know it's still possible.

I was having trouble with my "original" discs (DigiSystem Init 3.2, or something) running. Would start SD, but the program then couldn't find the AudioMedia 3 card.

So... as I am figuring it... barring any sort of CPU acceleration... I have the fastest system possible to run Sound Designer on.

...cuz I've never come across another program that does things as simply and to the point (i.e. it's all in the pull down menu's) than Sound Designer.

Chip Tredo

p.s. the IDE is my OS and program drive, the SSD is the drive I'm recording to. Always felt like the "wait time" for SD to load and store information to the drive was seriously slow. The SSD should help that situation. I hope.

That, or I'm going to end up creating some sort of virtual worm-hole that my house will get sucked into.
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