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Old 05-12-2019, 05:12 AM
Uli Auer Uli Auer is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Dortmund, Germany
Posts: 37
Default Feature Request & Poll: MIDI to EUCON patcher app !?

Hey everybody,

I'm using three Artist Mix units and one Artist Transport.

I've always found controlling Pro Tools with the Artist Mix (button controls) pretty bulky in general with navigating through its modes - and especially regarding the tedeous way of getting to a particular Aux through multiple page button presses and then flipping faders in order to have either the 10 auxes of the selected track on the first 10 faders or a particular send on my faders for every track...too much thinkwork and button combinations needed in my opinion...

So I've found a pretty nerdy solution by having my studio tech guy put reed relays in parallel to all of the buttons of one Artist Mix unit which I now can control via MIDI using an Arduino-based MIDI controller.

Using the coolest control software on the planet (ControllerMate ) and X-Keys custom USB keyboards I now can program even macros that are getting me to let's say "Send D" on all tracks on the faders in one press of a button.

But in general I would really dig a tool that would open up a whole new universe for Eucon users: An app - or maybe just as another part/tab of the EuControl Utility - that could

a) assign at least MIDI notes to Eucon commands in a patch table or

b) - as a more advanced version - also offers macro programming....but as I said already, that can be done very comfortably with tools like ControllerMate (don't know a similar tool for PC)

Like this one could use any MIDI button controller, keypad or drumpad etc for very flexible workflows - just as softbuttons...

Any votes for that as a feature request ????!!!
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