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Old 05-03-2016, 09:20 AM
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Default Re: Sample Rate and H/W Buffer negotiation woes.

Originally Posted by cwsand View Post
I haven't even read all the posts here, but this behavior is typical for me with both of my interfaces. I loved the 003+ where I could change sample rates & buffer size in Pro Tools, but the interfaces I have now sound better, so I can deal with having to restart Pro Tools when changing those settings. Not a huge deal for me as I'm used to it. Would be nice not to have to though.
Chris, your sig says you're using a Focusrite interface. What I've discovered with Focusrite (I use the Scarlett 8i6) is that if I need to switch sample rates from session A to B, then all I need to do is exit PT, then change the sample rate in the MixControl window for Focusrite to whatever the new session will be, then reopen PT. If I'm unsure what the sample rate is for a new session I want to open (say from months past), I can easily check it in the PT Workspace window before opening it.

Its better now than it used to be which often required rebooting not just PT, but the entire system!
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