Thread: New Licensing
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Old 10-16-2014, 09:15 PM
Jeff D. Jeff D. is offline
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Default Re: New Licensing

Originally Posted by CME View Post
Just my opinion, but I don't see the point in trying to boycott and change things. They have given in before with the CPTK. I still feel that was planned.

"We'll first announce $999 and and if there's no uproar we make more $$$, if they do we can drop the price and look like heroes."

Then there's the whole pro control/ control 24 debacle, that they haven't relented on.

At this point I really don't care if they do change. About the only thing that would entice me to hang around is for them to drop the whole HD/Vanilla scheme and make one unified version where we all have the same features. While making the support plan a unified $199 or less per year, and allow us to pay for said plan when/if the features they add are worth it to the end user. Short of that I am moving on.

At a certain point you realize in some relationships you are being used, and that will never change no matter what the other party promises. They just can't help themselves. It's that point you've got to let go. I still wish avid and anyone that is still using it the best. But I won't be used anymore.
I had written a long post, but CME's post above sums it up better. VERY sad day for me, like a friend turning their back on you.