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Old 02-05-2007, 06:23 AM
dillon99999 dillon99999 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Posts: 426
Default Re: several questions

HOW DO YOU AUTO PUNCH. its not listed anywhere. cant find it. and of course there are no help files. at least not in any sensible place. says on the website it can be done, no command i;ve found will do it.

1. open the transport window
2. set the pre-roll amount if necessary (usually 1 bar is enough).
3. setup, a region (by clicking on the region bar - above the tracks, and dragging).
4. hit ctrl + spacebar.

the system should start playback at the pre-roll point; the recording will begin where the region starts; the recording will end where the region ends.

you can also set the post-roll, to have the song play for an extra amount after the record point.

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