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Old 05-18-2008, 04:49 AM
DJ Decryption DJ Decryption is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 28
Default Re: Please help me to get a basic drum loop to work.

Thanks for your response Mano!

Unfortunately, the copy drift happens in both Absolute Grid and Relative Grid. I ensure that the region is exactly aligned to grid by separating it in Absolute Grid mode. If I manually copy it by Alt+dragging, it aligns fine. It's only when I use Duplicate, Repeat, or Loop that the drift occurs. The beginning of the looped region still starts on the grid line, but the end of it has either a tiny part missing or a tiny part over the next grid line... even though the original region is precise cut to the grid lines. The "tiny part" is always the smallest size you can select when completely zoomed in in Slip mode.

I'm still stumped... and manually looping every region...

Thanks for any more help anyone can offer!
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