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Old 01-26-2020, 02:07 PM
garnoil garnoil is offline
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 1,262
Default Re: Disk Warrior to repair Mac OSX Sierra?

I just want to thank everybody that helped me with this issue. After many trials, and considering that I am in the middle of mixing 4 features, I was finally able to spend a few minutes dealing the computer issue. As per your suggestions, I looked for and installed my OS back up drive (it is also an SSD that I keep as back up for my entire OS) and re-started my computer and Pro-Tools for the back up drive. I hope it is not too early to claim 'success' but, the back up drive makes Pro-Tools much more responsive and after 14 hours of straight mixing, with extensive automation, and mixing moves, the computer does not crash!!!!!! It still 'slows down; after a few hours of work because for some reason Pro-Tools slows down as you work on it for several hours. In the last 36 hours of intensive work, I still get a lot of 'video errors, Pro-Tools looping the video at the wrong place especially when a lot of sound editing is happening' - this is resolved by toggling the video on and off- and a couple of Eucon freezes... So all and all, there are still major issues with video in Pro-Tools, Eucon, and Pro-Tools slowing down but at least, my specific problem of the Kernel Panic seems to have been caused by a faulty SSD drive.
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