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Old 04-19-2019, 01:24 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is online now
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Default Re: New to HDX....quite disappointed.

Uh sorry to hear you are having issues. The voice use in HDX is well described in the Reference Guide Chapter 2 and maybe elsewhere as well. What you are seeing shoudl agree withthe described limits there. Specifically:

Typically, each audio channel for each track in your Pro Tools session uses a single voice. So, for a mono audio track, a single voice is used; for a ste- reo audio track, two voices are used. When using Punch Recording, two voices are needed for every single audio channel (one for playback and one for recording on punch in and out). In some situations, with Pro Tools | HDX systems, more than one voice may be necessary for a single channel (such as when using host processing on a DSP bus).
Remembering at 176/192 KHz a HDX1 has 64 voices.

Well the the easy answer is don't record at 192 kHz.

Quality Avid resellers need be talking with folks about these voice limits and what they want to achieve, if you reseller did not I would consider asking for a refund/swap for a HD Native card (regardless of wether I think 192 kHz to ever be worth it... it's your choice and authorized sellers at a HDX level should be offering more service than just taking orders).

If you have a large analog console? Are you just recording those drums/~28 channels or so? Monitoring via the console? Are you really sure you need HDX at all?
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