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Old 10-08-2013, 12:07 PM
brianiac5150 brianiac5150 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: NW Ohio
Posts: 401
Default Re: 11R - PT11 Audio

The issue is when I start PT11, I can hear my Eleven Rack - the monitors are directly connected to it (this is as expected). When I create a new session (blank, using any of the 11R templates and some of the others - have not tried every one of them) I should no longer be able to hear the 11R, until I assign it to and arm a track, however, I can hear it. It's always generating output, armed track or not. Even an empty session.

I've restarted my PC many, many times since first posting and continue to try other presets when I'm able. I am not running other app's at the same time.

Without changing any connectivity, I can start a PT10 session and everything works fine. ie - cannot hear the 11R in a session until a track's input/output is routed for the 11R and it's armed or to an AUX track.

Is my explanation making sense?
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