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Old 04-25-2007, 02:02 PM
Scott Church Scott Church is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 122
Default Re: \"Select Unused Regions\" selects USED regions. Please help..

Hi pukeuv and Brian,

I just wanted to clarify on what Brian said. This can be an area of confusion that's for sure...


I believe the selection you want is "Unused Audio Except Whole Files" in the Regions Bin menu. That will remove all the unused regions from your session, but not the Parent audio files those regions are derived from.

Brian is right, this will select any region that is not on the timeline, but it won't select *any* whole file regions whether they are used or not. This is good in that it means you don't have to worry about removing/deleting a "parent" (a.k.a a whole file region) that might have "children" (e.g. regions that are created by editing whole file regions).

However, if you want to get rid of all the audio completely unused (including whole file regions that aren't being used by “children”), you will have to select those unused whole file regions manually if you use "Unused Audio Except Whole Files." Again be careful, as Delete means "gone forever" - Remove just means clear from the Regions list. I personally think we should add another option to take care of this case

Scott Church
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