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Old 12-20-2008, 08:50 AM
Ang1970 Ang1970 is offline
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Default Re: anyway to avoid the creation of folders by digi on all my drives?

Originally Posted by Eric Seaberg View Post
They need to be there to tell Digi what's on the drive. We rebuild the databases on a regular basis to keep things happy on our HD systems. If they show up on a drive you're not going to use anymore with PT then delete it AFTER you've shut down PT... you can't delete them while PT is running.
The point here is that digi doesn't give you the option to not create them in the first place on drives that you know you're never going to use for PT. Instead of constantly scouring your system for new drives to sink it's teeth into, digi should instead assume that NO drive on the system is going to be used for PT until you tell it otherwise.

This would also help with a lot of people who unwittingly record audio to alternate drives and then have missing audio files when they arrive at a different studio. I feel their pain when I have to tell a client "Dude, there's no audio in this folder. It says these were originally recorded on your system drive, not your fw drive." Why should PT EVER assume by default that it would be recording audio on a system drive????

Angelo Quaglia
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