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Old 12-16-2003, 10:32 PM
Duardo Duardo is offline
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 978
Default Re: Digi are you stopping your hardware exchange p

All the upgrades include some sort of exchange (you have to give away your old hardware), didn't they? So, what's really the difference?
Maybe with "upgrades" he was referring to software upgrades, like the version 6 upgrades, where you don't send anything back?

1. Someone owns a regular HD system.
2. They do not participate in the Process to Accel hardware exchange program ending Dec. 20th.
3. The next Pro Tools system comes out (after Accel).
Will there be a hardware exchange program to go from their original HD to this future Pro Tools system?
I think this is the question many HD users are pondering.
I don't see anything to indicate that there won't be. Although the wording is a little odd, it seems that the statement in question is referring specifically to the Accel card upgrades. I think when they say that there won't be any more "programs of its kind" they're saying that come December 21st they won't be offering an Accel upgrade at $2999 instead of $2499 or whatever it'll only be able to buy an Accel card outright.

They've said all along that the Accel cards aren't so much a replacement for, but rather an addition to, the HD systems, so I don't see why you'd suspect that when they do come out with a replacement for the HD systems there won't be an upgrade path as there always has been (and, as others have pointed out, is still in place for upgrades from Mix and LE systems).

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