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Old 08-02-2009, 10:39 PM
Scott Goldberg Scott Goldberg is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: SF Bay Area USA
Posts: 1,066
Default Re: Anyone Know how to Generate a Click Track in PT 5.1?

I use the standard midi click that Pro Tools provides; however, back in the 5.1 days, I would just record a click track type sound, i.e. hand clap or whatever turns you on, and then snap it to the bar. From there, highlight the sound and space to the next beat. From there you need and consolidate it, then duplicate it however long you need it.

Why go to that trouble? Because if you compare the midi click with a real time printed one, you'll notice that it's not that accurate. I'll still sometimes use a printed click, duplicated at the desired tempo if I want super accurate beat movement. Midi clicks are great as they are fast and convenient, but sometimes this other method is really helpful if you want a true lock on the tempo. Print a click track and check it out, it can be way off the bar. Hope this idea helps.
Scott Goldberg
Gold Recordings
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