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Old 08-09-2011, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: Basic Midi routing in protools Please:(

Originally Posted by Flyingonempty View Post
Yes I have been using the ins. track and my issue is . midi from keyboard controller via USB protools setup as KB88 in midi setup. now how do I assign this to say ins. track 1 with addictive drums as plug in then out of plug in to channel so each time i playback it replays////then ist ch 2 is the grand I need to reassign the KB88 to the plug in GRANd on track 2 and see and record the midi and play back with out changes//then add ins track 3 now I need the KB88 to route to the plugin stringhs on track 3 with a print of midi on tr 3 and playback of themidi via the original plugin on thsat track...on and on AM I doing this screwy ? i can not find how to asssigbn tracks for midi and route from the tracked midi to the plugin some times it works some time not. OOOOOOHHHHH boy waht a cluster of fun. please help with spisific directions as to what does what .I unserstand tech verry well just this is not looking logical Thanks again
If I'm understanding you correctly, you are using the KB88 as your MIDI controller to play various instrument parts. Assuming you have PT recognizing the KB88 as your main MIDI controller (and it sounds like you do), then you have a couple of ways to do what you are trying to do.

So, you set up an instrument track, instantiate addictive drums, and then use the keys on the KB to trigger the drums you want...that's what it sounds like you want to do. SO far so good. Just record what you play on the instrument track as MIDI input. Once you've got the drums recorded as you want them, then you won't need the KB to trigger the drums, as the MIDI notes you recorded on the instrument track will do that.

Now, as the drum track plays back, select your next instrument track with whatever sound you plan to use, bass say, and record arm that track, and again, use the KB to trigger the notes you want. When you're happy, the midi notes will all be sitting nicely, ready to play, on the instrument track. Play back both tracks together and the MIDI notes will trigger the drums on the drum track and the bass on the bass track. Don't like the way the bass problem, go to the VI you instantiated on the track and select a different sound while its playing. Or tweak on the fly.

Rinse and repeat for as many instrument tracks as your computer memory can handle. If you start running out of room, just record the parts over to audio tracks and delete the instrument tracks (but give the edited version of the session a new name to preserve your prior renditions.)

I think you're trying to record onto a MIDI track, and then have the MIDI track play the the instrument track. Well, you COULD do it that way, but the instrument track already records the MIDI input as MIDI, so record directly to the instrument track to play the VI you want.

Hope all that makes sense.

Donald M
"Never believe anything you hear in a song." Tyrion Lannister, Game of Thrones
Owner: Dragon Rock Productions LLC

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