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Old 09-29-2020, 11:42 PM
vieris vieris is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: West LA
Posts: 197
Default Re: FEATURE REQUEST: Give HDX *at least* the same voice count as a non-HDX interface

As a HDX user I'd like to see two different playback engine modes.
1. "Tracking Mode" this is the current HDX engine we are using. The "mixer" is hosted on the HDX DSP for low latency throughput monitoring. A huge benefit for tracking bands or recording ADR.
2. Plug-in DSP only mode, aka "mix mode". This would use the HDX DSP to host plug-ins only, and use the native mix engine underneath. This would allow for the increased native voices/voice packs. Basically allow the HDX DSP to stop hosting the mixer/routing, and let it act like an UAD plug-in host..
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