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Old 05-18-2017, 12:07 PM
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Southsidemusic Southsidemusic is offline
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Default Re: Is Speed Audio-Mixing Next?

Thats just bullcrap if you ask me. Nobody with any talent what so ever would work like that. Inspiration comes when it comes and no book or dvd will ever teach someone to gain any talent ever to write and make music as thats not teachable.

Engineeriing and producing can be taught but somgwriting is not the same and even though we are bombarded with home produced songs on the web it doesn't translate into paying customers. Jjst that the noisefloor has been moved since CD and Vinyl records. Now all the aggregate software and websites are almost free more and more hopefulls join and "release" songs and "albums" but that goes nowhere. I know MANY of these DJ wannabees who "release" songs weeköy but the songs doesn't go anywhere. Stale crap whoch comes out in the thousands weeköy and are forgotten the next week

Songs still need to bring out emotion good or bad in order to move someone to buy a song.

All imho of course.
Best Regards

South Side Music Group
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