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Old 02-03-2006, 08:21 PM
Steve MacMillan Steve MacMillan is offline
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA
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Default Re: Numeric keypad transport control feature request

Steve, isn't that what the Back Forward command does? Control-rewind to jump back - the amount is set in the Preferenes->Operation->Back Forward Amount.

Thanks Jim,

Yes, but you have to command-click on the floating transport rewind button. I'm used to using the one and two buttons on the numeric keypad for transport control. If you hold them down, you get a smooth scrolling rewind & fast forward. But if you tap them, you move by a bar (ish) when displaying bars & beats, but only by a frame if displaying SMPTE, or by a second if you are displaying min. & sec. or samples. I would like to be able to optionally back up 3 seconds for every tap, if I'm displaying SMPTE. IMHO, the numeric keypad is the quickest way to control the transport, but I feel clumbsy when I'm looking at SMPTE. One idea would be have another pulldown, like for the grid and nudge values, where you can choose to unlink the rewind tap value from the currently displayed time base. It's often the little things like this that make for big improvements in workflow, when you perform an operation 500 times a day.

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