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Old 11-24-2015, 04:35 PM
kindkind kindkind is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 217
Default Re: Recorded CC values are only the "changed" values

I will try to clarify

When you record a midi take, and tweak a cc halfway through the take, the only cc value that registers in my pt midi track is the value change i made halfway through. From that point on through the take, the cc value on the synth registers. But there is no cc data from before the first tweak. When i go to play back the take, because there is no cc input at the beginning, thus no cc data being output on that controller, my synth keeps the cc at the last input - the value at the END of the take. So, the sound coming out at the beginning is not how it sounded originally.

How do you all deal with this issue?
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