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Old 01-28-2016, 10:21 PM
philip_purcell philip_purcell is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 100
Default Re: Pro Tools AAF Export Problem (please, urgent!) :(

Isn't it about time Avid and Protools integrated their platforms fully? You should be able to take a Media Composer project and open it directly in Protools - or at least the audio tracks, as long as you have access to the media. Then, you should be able to send it back to the picture editor for recuts WITHOUT LOSING ANY OF THE WORK YOU HAVE DONE. The picture editor may not have all your plugins, but it doesn't matter. The data goes across, and comes back with his recuts.

Surely it should be possible to have just one type of project for both systems, but with a different user interface depending on whether you are doing pictures or sound.

Why is this not already a thing? Am I being unrealistic?
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