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Old 04-28-2010, 11:51 PM
cheopsnet cheopsnet is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 5
Default Help: selecting part of a song and create a loop


I have a simple question and would appreciate your help in as much details as possible, since I seem to get easily confused with all the features of Pro Tools:

My objective is to be able to use the inside of song X (say 0:35:00 to 0:57:32) and create a loop from it, the idea being that I have a loop track (playing the 22seconds or so over and over) and an instrument track where I jam over the loop.

I already have song X on a track and I know how to loop a sample, but I cannot seem to be able to clean up my sample: I cut before and after, in a very butcher kind-of-way, and I am left with bits before and bits after that make the portion un-loopable.. How can I achieve the cleanup of this selection?

Sorry for the mediocre description of my problem. I appreciate any help and, please, do not spare any detail. Thanks a lot

[email protected]
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