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Old 04-08-2010, 03:41 AM
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Chris Lambrechts Chris Lambrechts is offline
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Default Re: Link matrix on version 2.8.2

Hi Remy,

I think I see what you are doing.
Each of the 12 input sources within each Matrix mixer is shared so whichever input is assigned to Input 1 on Matrix 1 will also be the input 1 on all other Matrix Mixers.

Your Main L and R are by default assigned to inputs 9 and 10.

To do what I think you're trying to do try the following :

- under Options > Busses : Link matrix 1 and 2
(sounds like you already did this)
- under Outputs, select Matrix 1. Since you linked Matrix 1 and 2 you should see a pan pot on every input channel. By default inputs 1 - 8 are assigned to Group outs 1 - 8. Inputs 9 and 10 are assigned to Main Left and Main Right.
- Pan input 9 hard Left and input 10 hard Right. Set both input levels to 0 dB and switch the input source ON (You can also link the levels for these inputs by checking the link box under inputs 9 - 10)

- In the patchbay > Outputs : assign a physical output to Matrix one and another one to Matrix 2.

Any Matrix input source panned Hard Left will only come out of the output assigned to Matrix 1 and anything panned Hard Right will only come out of the output assigned to Matrix 2.

I hope that makes sense. Let me know if you have further questions.

Chris Lambrechts
Applications Specialist- Live Sound
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