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Old 10-11-2014, 10:09 AM
gandlz gandlz is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Austria
Posts: 68
Default Re: Shortcuts on German Keyboard...

No, you don’t need two keyboards. By changing the keyboard in Windows also a German keyboard will behave like an English one. If you press the “ö” it will write a “;” because this is what’s on the English keyboard at the place of the ö-key.

I looked into the menu and it says Ctrl+/ is Automation write to Current:
On German keyboard with Windows German keyboard setting I usually press Shift+7 to write a /. So I tested Ctrl+Shift+7 but it did not work.
On German keyboard with Windows English keyboard setting you may google for an English keyboard picture if you do not know how to write a /. You will get it by press the -. So Ctrl+- will do the Automation write to current.
I think there are not too many shortcuts using symbols you will not find at the right place on your physical German keyboard, so it should not be too bad.

-Nonsense Start-
For your Hotkey Matrix (I do not have one so I just guess):
There might be a configuration software where you assign an app (Pro Tools) and a Shortcut for each Key. It might help to change Windows keyboard to English while doing this configuration. So choose a key and say it should do Ctrl+- and it should write a Ctrl+/ to your config software and make the Automation write to current back in Pro Tools.

-Nonsense End- (Sorry)

I hope this helps/works for you.

Last edited by gandlz; 10-12-2014 at 11:31 AM.
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