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Old 02-27-2015, 08:31 AM
nst7 nst7 is offline
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Default Re: Upgrading from 8 to 11HD on ebay

After thinking about this, it dawned on me that there's only one thing this could be, and it's not sold separately by Avid: the seller (or someone else) has upgraded a TDM or HDN system to an HDX system, and then split out the hardware from the software activation to sell separately. That's the only scenario that might have this kind of upgrade (I do know that these hardware trade-in deals to HDX have an upgrade license rather than a new license).

If that's the case, then it would be a legit upgrade, though it would fall outside of Avid's dealer policies. And that's not available to the general public unless they were to do that same actual hardware trade-in.

If it's not that, then I don't know what else it would be.
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