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Old 07-10-2010, 09:54 AM
rbeggs rbeggs is offline
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 99
Default Re: FAder Issue D-Command

I have a D-Command 24 and all 24 faders are dicey. If after several days of not being used, the console is put in Test-Fader-Cycle mode, all 24 faders chatter, twitch and jerk as they cycle the full stroke length. After about a half hour of cycling they smooth out and have that silky, smooth sound. It doesn't last. I've pretty much given up on it as the twitchy action is imparted to fader moves when writing. The resulting volume graph looks like a bad day on the stock market, spikey. Coming in early every day to exercise the damn thing is not in the cards. I use it mostly for X-Mon.

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