Thread: offline bounce?
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Old 12-27-2006, 04:51 AM
danielfre danielfre is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 2
Default offline bounce?

New to this forum and fairly new to PT, so forgive me for asking a total noob-question.

I'm using Pro Tools LE at work, migrating old audio cassetes to PC. My problem is the mixdown - there doesn't seem to exist an offline bounce option, wich mean I loose a lot of time in that process. I first have to record the tape to pro tools, then go through it again for every mixdown (I'm converting to 16 and 24 bits...). For now I do the converting and editing in Audacity, but it would be awsome to be able to do everything in Pro Tools...

So - is there any way to make a (fast) offline bounce to disc from within Pro Tools? And if not - why, oh god why?


EDIT: I'm using Pro Tools LE 7.2 and Mbox2.
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