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Old 10-12-2020, 02:24 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is online now
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Default Re: PT ran out of CPU power. AAE-9173

Originally Posted by musicman691 View Post
I tried the steps in the listed article and each time Terminal came back with something like 'command not found'. What I did was to copy the commands into a Textedit document so I didn't have to have a web browser open with SIP disabled. What am I doing wrong?
Hi jack

Textedit can easilly insert invalid hidden characters into files, are you trying to run that file as a shell script or copy and paste from it? If so I'd avoid it and just type the commands into terminal, or write a shell script file in a text editor like vi/vim.

If it's not garbage characters then my next guess would be simply the shell PATH is not picking up the command.


$ sudo which launchtrl

to see if your admin account can even find launchtrl. If it can't then you can use the full file path "/bin/launchctrl"

lauchctrl lives in /bin which should be near the start of the your PATH. Something like /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin ... etc.


BTW disabling spindump removes some error logging/dump capability. It's not a rare thing to do, several other software vendors and folklore suggests doing that... so worth trying. But if it does not help I'd probably turn it back on. Not exactly sure the dumps ever help Avid, but it may help other vendors/developers.
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