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Old 07-18-2017, 06:52 PM
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DonaldM DonaldM is offline
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Default MIDI Suddenly gone - at wits end

Need some help! My MIDI is suddenly not there.

I use a Yahama Motif XS8 connected to my PC via Firewire as my main MIDI keyboard. Normally I can use the Motif to play all my VIs and/or record any MIDI track in PT I want. Sync works fine too.

Now, for no reason I can fathom, I can NOT get the Motif to talk to Pro Tools. I removed and re-created the Motif connection in the MIDI studio.
Updated the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver. Checked that all my Firewire cable and connections were good at both ends.

Turned everything off and back on three times. Its like the Motif isn't there. Nothing on the Motif indicates there's a thing wrong with the FW MIDI. PT shows the Motif as MIDI IN and MIDI OUT in the MIDI studio, and as MIDI input/output options on a MIDI track. Nothing indicates there's anything wrong. But if I record arm a MIDI or Instrument track to play a VI...there's no MIDI signal whatsoever.

I'm at my wits end on what to do as I'm under deadline to complete a scoring project for a documentary.

Any suggestions as to why I should look for?

My system specs are below.
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