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Old 03-30-2010, 05:41 PM
necjamc necjamc is offline
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Default Re: Delayed Compensation for Auto-tuning Few Vocal Spots

Originally Posted by Danos1 View Post
Running into a problem here. Thank you VERY, VERY MUCH for your help.. ..Truly..

I use Pro Tools 7.1.2 & am working with a session with 1 or 2 plug-ins that seem to offer delay. I noticed it especially with the tuning plug-in & need to remedy as I am nearing the mix.

We converted an audio bass signal using Ampex SVX (& I see the delay = 4). I assume that may be indiscernible but not sure.

And the main thing - the only other plug-in I am running (besides 7-Band EQ which shows no delay) is for tuning. I just downloaded Autotune Evo (to try to fix only 4-5 quick notes) & have the Melodyne that came with the PT ignition pack (quite limited). And was just trying to fix a few notes & I’m ready then. But when using Autotune, I heard the differences & saw the delay = 1380. I am brand new to Autotune & Melodyne yet read instructions for both & watched videos to learn quickly to use for now. So I don’t seem to have “time adjuster”, & if it is only on 1 or 2 tracks anyhow, how would you suggest I remedy this offset best & easiest for me?!

I assume perhaps nudging, but you have no idea how much I have had to learn in the past few weeks for every single new program I had to use, & I wanted to ask the experts here as I really need the help! I figured: bus the Autotuned comp parts to another track & correct it there (perhaps by nudging). I am hoping that given that the delay = 1380 that you may be able to tell me EXACTLY how much to back up that new audio region (to put it where it should be). I love my vocal comp otherwise & ONLY want to tweak the 4-5 notes in their spaces in the song, so what would you suggest?

I like to have it all lined up & just swap in a different word/syllable only where I need it.

And with Melodyne, I am not sure IF it yields a delayed signal or not actually. My friend had used a newer/recent Melodyne essential version & as I said I have the very LE version here, & I don’t know if either (or both) yield delay.

Again, thank you very much for you insight & guidance on this as I clearly need it!
If you are only fixing a few notes, then you could also select the area you need to fix (It doesn't need to be exact just as long as it's all the area) and use auto tune as an audiosuite plugin. This will free up any of the latency. Just duplicate the track first so you will not be committed to the change.
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