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Old 03-03-2017, 08:05 PM
mattdugred mattdugred is offline
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 10
Default Fix Side Chain Delay Compensation NOW please!

Hello Avid.

Its a disgrace that side chains aren't delay compensated in Pro Tools (and HD) Native. This is made much worse by the fact that youv'e chosen to include a side chain feature but not tell anyone that its not delay compensated. I wonder what use you think anyone has for a compressor thats being triggered out of time with the song!?

Im calling on you to fix this issue immediately, or to provide a good technical reason why it cant be fixed (I cant think of one but maybe you can enlighten us). Or failing this, delete the feature entirely so people aren't unknowingly using out of time side chaining, and wasting countless hours wondering why it sounds bad.

All of the other features and upgrades pale into insignificance compared to this issue, and it should be your first and only concern until it is fixed. Otherwise, you could considering dropping the 'Pro' from your software's name.

With sincerity and hope for a speedy resolution,

Matt Redlich
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