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Old 08-07-2019, 02:41 PM
Hugh-H Hugh-H is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 236
Default Re: 5th + 6th DSP16 failures in 3.5 years


As I say to many of my associates with less rigorous scientific methods (think political conclusions) - correlation is not causation. However since two folks have asked for the data points - the now SEVEN cards with defective DSP chips all have the SN leading alphas BLDJL. To the best of my knowledge the leading 5 alphas are an HDX card rev.

If you choose to run amok with that information, I did my best to balance between presenting possibly correlating facts in a possibly non-correlatable situation, and discouraging bad scientific analysis. If however you embark on an analysis of others with bad DSP chips and arrive at more data, nice work.

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