Thread: upgrading to hd
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Old 05-29-2006, 04:35 PM
bigsixx bigsixx is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 72
Default Re: upgrading to hd

i apologize for not being clear on my question to where someone else would understand, but the whole (read it ! ) comment was not called for i ask my questions here because a forum is to get help from people that already have , use and understand diff systems an opinion from someone who already has them is the best form of shopping around instead of going to the dealer who is just trying to sell you something. now

what im really intersted in is getting more tracks, i currently have access to 32 but im going to need more tracks the more the better but i dont want to shell out too much more just to get more tracks so....basically my upgrading would be relying on getting more tracks. all that other stuff is cool but my main concern is more tracks.
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