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Old 02-17-2004, 04:00 PM
Slim Shady Slim Shady is offline
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Los Angeles, CA
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Default Re: comp and drums

I am using a Sure KSM44 on Omni setting
This is what worries me, not the lack of compression. Why are you recording vocals with an Omni setting?

But back to the subject at hand, I agree with the poster who mentioned getting a quality 2 channel compressor as opposed to the 8 channel one if you really need to add a compressor to your tracking chain. There's no reason to compress 8 channels of drums on the way in - drums are pretty consistent in volume, once you set a level you shouldn't have to worry about clipping coming into the picture if you did your job right. Compressing them during mix is just a taste thing, depends on the genre and the sound you're going for.
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