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Old 04-17-2002, 10:43 AM
Chris R Chris R is offline
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Thiells, NY 10984
Posts: 94
Default Re: Multiloops - Discrete Drums - Reel Drums


While I can't tell you which product to buy, I can answer your questions about Reel Drums.

The Pro Tools Sessions are setup in four to five sections. Everything is mulitracked on 14 tracks for the single kick sessions, 16 tracks for double kicks.

Section 1 is a 2-3 minute arrangement so you can open up the session and jam along. It includes loops, fills and crashes from the session in a song format so that its user can "get the creative juices flowing".

Section 2 is a modular fills section. Everything is tempo mapped in Pro Tools, and the fills can be copied and pasted pretty much at will using grid mode. There are "clicks" at the downbeats for the fills which don't come in on one.

Section 3 is different ending crashes with a kick. Again, perfectly on the downbeat in grid mode.

Section 4 is the loops section. Most of the loops are 8 bar performances and can be copied, pasted, and duplicated.

Section 5, which are included in some sessions are no kick patterns. They mainly consist of tight hi-hat, sloshy hi-hat, and ride. Each have snare tracks. These are cool because they don't lock you into a set kick pattern.

We are finishing the stereo loops CD right now. It will be available with each package of Reel Drums, and as a free upgrade to existing owners.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me or call.

Thanks for your time,

Chris Richmond
[email protected]
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