Thread: noob question
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Old 12-15-2006, 08:03 PM
RobMacki RobMacki is offline
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jefferson State, USA
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Default Re: noob question

Assuming both sender and receiver have high speed cable/ long would it take to upload and download a 5 gig file???

You can test your up/down speed here:
(copy the address into your browser or click in the address and hit return after the "Forbidden" message, DUC can't link directly for some reason)

So if you have Digidelivery on your end, transferring 5 gig to the DD from you computer on the LAN side might take 10 Min.
But depending on what your Up speed is will determine how fast it transfers to the WAN side ie your client.
5 gig could take over 10 hrs.
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