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Old 05-27-2019, 12:44 PM
Tweakhead Tweakhead is offline
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 2,122
Default Re: Noob control surface questions!

Some thing to think about when considering an Avid control surface . . .

Here are some design flaws in the Avid S3:

1. The Record Arm and Track Select buttons are in-between the faders, making it impossible to do a multi-finger selection/arming of several tracks when the faders are in that area of travel. It's easier to do it with your mouse.

2. The software meters in the Pro Tools Mix Window are on the right hand side of the fader for each channel, yet the hardware meters on the S3 are on the left hand side of the fader for each channel. This mind-numbing design mistake is compounded by the fact that the meters are equidistant between the faders, so in the middle of the console you really don't know what channel meter you're looking at.

3. The Mute and Solo buttons are not centered on the fader, unlike the S6 (even though the S6 still has the dumb "meters on the left" design flaw).

I don't know who is responsible for these basic design flaws, but Avid certainly cannot be consulting any professional engineers with their prototypes.

Last edited by Tweakhead; 05-27-2019 at 03:11 PM.
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