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Old 01-08-2010, 11:45 AM
MarkH MarkH is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Atlanta, GA.
Posts: 302
Default Re: Multi processor, Snow Leopard, 8.0.3p ...?!


Can you just recap when things go bad? You launch a new session, create a virtual instrument track, instantiate Vacuum, record some midi, then when you play back you get errors?

Do you have midi notes on bar 1? Are you getting the errors when you playback and Vacuum is trying to play at bar 1? Or do you have empty measures and no matter where Vacuum attempts to play, PTLE craps out?

The reason I am asking is that by default Pro Tools starts playback at measure 1. One thing I did is have playback start at measure -1 so there is always 1 measure of silence before any VI's start playing.
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