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Old 12-10-2020, 04:54 PM
Bill Rigby Bill Rigby is offline
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Sydney,NSW,Australia
Posts: 213
Default Re: Integrated Dolby Atmos

Avid seriously had better get with the program.
1. The internal bussing of Davinci Resolve Studio 17 and Nuendo 11 both cope with straightforwad 7.1.4 and up without any workarounds.
2. Nuendo has NATIVE integration with Dolby Atmos Home and Netflix based tools for compliance.
Not only this, but it has a native light version of spectral layers (similar to Izotope RX) and ARA compliance.
3. The cost of Davinci Resolve Studio for life is the equivalent to a Pro Tools Ultimate yearly subscription. The fairlight system with Protools keyboard shortcuts and similar smart tool makes transition a breeze.
I have been a user of Pro Tools since it was Sound Tools on Audi Media cards, through 888s ,Nubus, Sample Cell, Mixplus ,HD and HDX.
When my next subscription is due, I , like many of my musical and post cohorts, am seriously thinking of jumping ship to a platform that does not rely on being the reputation of being the"standard".
My opinion is that Tools has been resting on its laurels for to long and the other platforms features and costs have overtaken the value for money that Avid supplies.
The standard is market driven and Avid is seriously dragging the chain.
If tools wants to continue being this "standard", they had better up their game.
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