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Old 02-21-2010, 11:07 AM
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DonaldM DonaldM is offline
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Default Recording Vox with Compression

Several things I've recently read about recording good vocals suggest using a bit of compression while recording. That seems plain enough, but I'm not understanding how that works with PT. If I set up an audio track and insert a compressor on it, sure I can compress the vocal track,but I don't see how that effects the actual vocal track printed on the track because if I play it back and bypass the compressor, there's no compression on what's recorded on the track. (The same, for ex, if I insert a reverb for the vocalist to hear while recording).

So, in PT, I'm not clear on how to compress the vocal input while recording it and having it record that way. Or am I misunderstanding what I'm reading? But it sure seems like what they all say is to add the compression on the vocal input and record the vox compressed that way.

What am I not understanding?
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