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Old 11-04-2001, 08:45 AM
Larsfrommars Larsfrommars is offline
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 55
Default Re: Peak levels on Master fader during mix.

I was given the advice by a mastering engineer to sort out the loudest peaks in my mixes by mixing into a compressor or taking care of them one by one on the tracks in order to be able to raise the average loudness of the master without squishing the living S### out of the music. We're talking loud rock n' roll here.
As i see it you should use any mastercompression with care so that the mastering engineer can do his job, thats what you pay him for, isnt it?
As far as the costumers, you guys are the ones who are in the know of the process. If your customers panic, you forgot to discuss the issue with them. Don't think that they'll find out what to do. They'll probablysling mud at you until somebody else tell them that they're wrong

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