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Old 07-16-2019, 04:12 PM
edison edison is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 16
Default Can A V-KNOB Control A Fader Group?

I have PT 7.4 running on an XP machine. My control surface is a Mackie MCU Pro.

I want to use HUI to control a Group of faders. I can use one fader to control them but it means pinging Pro Tools every two seconds.

I am wondering if there is another way to control a fader group with something other then the using a fader HUI code, e.g. a V-POT.

I am just avoiding using a fader as the "ping" drives my Bome Midi Translator crazy. I don't need to know fader position, which what the ping is necessary for.

I understand from a paper I read "that you actually don't have to send a ping at all, to control the HUI. If you never send a ping, the HUI won't go offline and you can control everything *EXCEPT* the faders!"

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