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Old 08-29-2003, 05:27 PM
froyo froyo is offline
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Default Re: Mac G4 versus G5 versus Windows XP

Hello. Duardo I would add this little bit to your chicken and egg scenario. The big balance shifter on that equation is TDM or LE. As was pointed out by several plug in manufacturers in the RTAS petition thread created on the Windows LE forum by Carl Fuehrer, market research and customer history has shown them time and time and time again that TDM customers will definitely buy more plug ins than LE users. That's just a fact no one can dispute. Another fact no one can dispute is that almost 100% of Windows XP Pro Tools sales are LE. This can be disputed as I don't know this for a fact, but I would venture to say that if you factor all LE systems currently out there as well as new sales, there would almost be a 2 to 1 ratio of PC to Mac ( 2 PC LE systems for every Mac). So I would actually say that in the LE market, PC is a bigger market than Mac. It is at least the same size. Why wouldn't they want a piece of that pie?

Most of the plug ins that are Mac only that anyone really cares about happen to also be plug ins whose biggest clientele are TDM systems. Cycling '74 would be about the only cost effective bundle that I can think of that's not PC, and that's in the works. In my opinion, until PC TDM systems start to sell significantly more, most of these developers will have a hard time spending the time and money to port over to RTAS or TDM PC.

Because another factor that plays in here, that goes hand in hand, and in which we could spend an entire thread on, is that these same developers are Mac only people, through and through. The time and money that it would take for them to offer a PC product is not worth it to them right now, because they don't see a PC TDM market. I don't blame them one bit, and if I was in their shoes, I would probably do the same.
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