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Old 06-20-2014, 06:55 PM
blackmacdaddy blackmacdaddy is offline
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Location: NW Ohio
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Default Re: If YOUR groove VANISHES after Recording an OD... It AINT your ears... ADC ATE IT.

Originally Posted by Drywsef View Post
I am having this problem in PT 10.3.9 and it's terribly inconvenient.
How to Avoid this:
1. ALWAYS do overdubs with Delay Compensation OFF & make "inactive" any 'big pig' Master Bus plug-ins (Ctrk + Cmd + click) that have delay

2. If you are "Bouncing to track" thru internal buses with your Plug-ins on an Aux - You'll need to route everything to the Main Audio Outs temporarily

3. After the Overdubs are done, you can now turn ADC back on

4. IF you were "Bouncing to track" through an Aux to an Audio track, you can now 're-assign' all channels to your Print Bus (Select tracks & then Opt + Shift as you re-assign)

Helpful quick tips:
1. Cmd + Opt click on the Mix window to see the plug-in delay on all channels in the "Volume/Peak/Delay" field in the mixer

2. Never do basic tracking with delay compensation turned on. I'm always thinking to myself "I'm Tracking today" or "I'm Mixing today" to keep the setting correct.

3. If you have to have certain plugs for your talent, use TDM/DSP only for tracking days.

4. For vocalists, Native Reverb plug-in delay on an Aux is okay b/c it just adds a little "pre-delay"

After a long day of this it only takes a minute to switch between "I'm Mixing mode" and "I'm Tracking mode"

YMMV. Good Luck. Hope it helps, all the best
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