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Old 07-22-2017, 08:37 AM
J-S-Q J-S-Q is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: London
Posts: 219
Default Cubase/Nuendo Issue: Incorrect fader values

With Cubase and Nuendo, there has been a long term issue with Eucon controllers giving incorrect fader values:

After the faders reposition when banking to a new set of channels, if you touch a fader, it will often register a slightly inaccurate value. e.g. the channel may be at a level of +1dB in Cubase but when you first touch the fader on the S3, it will register a slightly different value of let's say 1.05dB, causing the Cubase channel to change volume very slightly. Of course when this happens tens or hundreds of times during the course of working on a session, it messes with your mix balance.

I've never seen this happen in Pro Tools.

Is there any chance of it being fixed?
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