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Old 12-17-2017, 02:41 AM
Kurout Kurout is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Mumbai
Posts: 16
Default Getting a clearer voice in my mix

Hey y'all,
I've been a rapper for last 5 years but a sound engineer for a year now. Earlier I just paid for the mix but now I myself do them in the studio I work at upon PT 10.3.5 HD. Now the issue I face is I get a dampy or muddy or bassy don't even know how to put it in words kinda voice instead of a clear one in my songs. I don't understand if its the reverb I use or the eq or the Sans Amp plug in to add some distortion. Now I'm at least sure that the Sans Amp send I put up is never too much and the frequencies I boost are never responsible for this problem as I never boost or cut beyond 3 DBs unless there's a really great one to boost at times. Is there something I'm missing out? Something that is going wrong? Or is it just the wrong reverb I use (Plate 1 usually)? Please help.
Thanks in advance.
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