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Old 02-05-2000, 05:32 PM
[Benjamin] [Benjamin] is offline
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Posts: 519
Default Re: Cubase -Protools settings ---HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!

ok, create an iac-bus with OMS to sync them, set internal settings in the two programs to configure master/slav.. About audio, I can get cubase to use the internal audio in the mac and PT to use the external, that works, so you should be able to use another sound card for cubase, but probably not them sharing the same card, however, you should be able, somehow, to send the cubase outs to PT aux-ins, I'd think.. (Anyways, I think it's a much brighter Idea just to use one of the apps so you can use all that CPU-juice for good stuff (like more plugs, sure, if you want to use cubase for midi (which isn't necesary anymore, thanx digi) do, but save it as a midi file and import it into protools, that works a treat!

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