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Old 10-25-2011, 09:44 PM
Edleigh Edleigh is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 6
Default Re: Eleven rack (11R) slow booting past "setting up midi"

Forgot to mention that, yeah trashed prefs and data. I have the midi interface running in merge mode and connected to the 11R midi in/outs and not through USB so that is working at the moment but not ideal.

I had a previous post about how midi was acting funny with the 11R and external devices so I built a better computer to run at lower buffer settings to offset that problem. Even with the super fast computer now, when adding multiple midi tracks from the 11R it still feels.. odd. I'm able to play and record in real time like I always could prior to PT8 and the 11R but more than one track at a time just doesn't seem right to me timing wise.

I'm going to pickup a mbox2 pro like next week or something. Get the audio/midi separated on FW/USB busses respectively and see how that goes. My current theory is that there is an inherent problem with the 11R and external midi devices, at least in PT8 but I can't jump to that conclusion until trying a different interface.
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