Thread: A Setting? Ram?
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Old 01-19-2021, 10:50 PM
Bfearr Bfearr is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: USA
Posts: 180
Default A Setting? Ram?

I've released music in the last 18 months. Some of the track counts went as high as 80 with compression and eq on every track and more on others. Here lately, without having made any changes in ny system, and using as little as 12 tracks, I'm getting that error message that tells you that you can get started again if you get rid of some plug-ins. Granted, it's only 8 gb of Ram and a Pentium i-5, it did the job with my record and its high track counts with lots of plug-ins. Is there a setting I could have touched that would cause the issue? Any ideas?
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