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Old 08-18-2004, 02:35 PM
Jack Ruston Jack Ruston is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 45
Default What is going on with this folks?


Today I had serious problems with tempo changes. I had a 150bpm marker at the session top. I had a video track and a few audio regions, then at bar 12 I had a stack of midi stuff (programmed bass and drums etc). I wanted to mess about with the tempo of the midi stuff starting from that point in the video. I knew that pt would not maintain the relationship between audio and midi regions with a tempo change but I was baffled by what happened next....Every time I tried to insert the change, the midi jumped about 140 bars to the right, taking the bar numbers and markers with it, leaving the previous audio at bar -140 or whatever. Whatever I did I could not seem to change this behaviour. In addition when trying to import midi from that session to another later on, I found that it all seemed to have crazy user time stamps...-140/1/000 etc.

Any ideas?

I'm running 6.2.3 on a g5 dual 2 panther.

I'm not sure whether this is a bug, my system, or normal behaviour that I'm too stupid to understand.


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