Thread: using DAVE?
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Old 03-08-2001, 06:57 AM
Sortasonic Sortasonic is offline
Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: Harrisburg, PA USA
Posts: 159
Default Re: using DAVE?

In File Exchange (or maybe File Translation now... I'm still running OS 8.6) if you have SoundJam set up to handle files with an MP3 extension, it SHOULD work. You shouldn't have to drag and drop.

PCMACLAN is a good suggestion. Dave doesn't take up much space, but it's something you could possibly do without. Regarding Virtual PC: Well... don't get me wrong, it's pretty impressive for what it does and it's stable. Just sluggish, and takes up a lot of RAM, disk space, resources. I use it at the day job to run a few PC dev apps and test web sites in a PC environment on my Mac. It's pretty good for that.
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