View Full Version : Reverb on rec enabled tracks with low latency monitoring mode

06-16-2001, 08:09 AM
Ever tryed to make work a "send" on a record enabled track while in low latency mode?

First you need to have this basic setup:

- Create an audio track and set one of the sends to an internal bus.

- Create an auxiliar input.

- Put a reverb or delay plug-in on one of the inserts

- Set the input of that auxiliar in to the same internal bus you used on the audio track as a send.

Since we're in low latency monitoring mode this would only work with previously recorded audio and assuming that track is not record enabled, as record enabling it would automatically set the track's send to bypass.

Now try this:

- Create another auxiliar input (mono preferably).

- Set the input of this auxiliar to the same in you're using for your microphone.

- Set the output of this auxiliar to the same internal bus you used as a "send" on your audio track. This will automatically exclude the signal from your main L-R outputs and send it straight into the effects auxiliar.

- Record enable your track and you'll still be able to send the signal from your mic thru the effects, even if the rec enabled track's send is bypassed.

There might be some latency on the second auxiliar input, which will not be noticeable, since whatever comes in thru this input will be heard exclusively thru the reverb or delay effects.

Hope this might be helpful!